Great minds sync alike!
Synco is the rare game that brings people together.
The more you sync up, the higher you score!

How to play
Draw a subject card, everybody writes down five things that fall within that subject. Share your answers and score points for every person who wrote down the same response.
Classic style:
Everyone tries to match with everyone
For each response, score 1 point for every person who matches
Partner style:
Players divide into pairs
Each pair collaborates on 1 set of responses
Score 1 point for every pair with a common answer
Great way to include younger players!

Team style:
Divide into groups of 2 or more and try to match with your teammates
Score 1 point for every team member who matches
— OR —
Score only when the whole team matches
What counts
as a match?
Some answers will be close but not exactly the same. Players can decide together whether to award points, but these guidelines seem to work best:
Singular v. plural = Match!
Ex: pencil v. pencils
1:1 synonyms = Match!
Ex: Washington v. George Washington
Broad v. specific = Not a match
Ex: shirt v. t-shirt
Get your sync on
Share the thrill of the sync with your friends and family.